8 Veedu Manamagan - Babu Raj, Balan Chettiyar

                Detailed profile of Babu Raj, Balan Chettiyar

Babu Raj, Balan Chettiyar
Age 40
Education Higher Secondary School(+2)
District/City/Country Kerala
Rasi Dhanusu
Star Uthiraadam
Thali Pottu Thali
Kulam Koragayar
Company, Work Location Business
Monthly Income in Rupees 40000
Mobile Number 8921990916
Alternate Mobile Number 9048433443
PIN TM8M0001777
Family & Other Details
i have 1 & 1/2 dosha jathagam,so i wish 1 dosha Chatham bride,i have a mother, brother & sister (married to Coimbatore) well settled family,have own business wholesale cloth and toys.
Partner Preferences
always prefer from middle class ,also prefer average fair look womens,age between 29-33 years old,mostly prefer kerala & tamilnadu brides.