8 Veedu Manamagal - Levetha, Laxmanan

                Detailed profile of Levetha, Laxmanan

Levetha, Laxmanan
Age 23
Education ME
District/City/Country Chennai
Rasi Mesham
Star Bharani
Thali Pottu Thali
Monthly Income in Rupees 25000
Mobile Number 9080201225
Alternate Mobile Number 9677007571
PIN TM8F0001132
Family & Other Details
Levetha is having younger one sister Studing CA. Mother - Government Teacher Father - Working in Secretariat.
Partner Preferences
Groom should be well educated and family should be broadminded. Expecting Groom From 24MTC 16 Veedu Only. Preferably From Chennai. Brokers Ignore.