16 Veedu Manamagan - Loganath, Rajarathnam

                Detailed profile of Loganath, Rajarathnam

Loganath, Rajarathnam
Age 39
Education B Tech
District/City/Country Bangalore
Rasi Mithunam
Star Thiruvaathirai
Thali Pottu Thali
Kulam Kanthiyavar
Company, Work Location CTS IT staffing and ACME Design engineering proprietor Bangalore
Monthly Income in Rupees 150000
Mobile Number 9845489676
Alternate Mobile Number 8095240689
PIN TM16M0002067
Family & Other Details
Dad - Rajarathnam (late)- Railways retired Mom - Neelavathi - Homemaker 3 siblings - 2 sister & 1 brother (All married) Iam Younger one.
Partner Preferences
Decent & dignified family background. No Dowry. Freedom to be as themselves & to pursue their passion. Happy girl.