16 Veedu Manamagan - Anguraj , Dhandapani

                Detailed profile of Anguraj , Dhandapani

Anguraj , Dhandapani
Age 40
Education B Com
District/City/Country Salem
Rasi Mithunam
Star Thiruvaathirai
Thali Kombu Thali
Kulam Kandhavangaravar
Company, Work Location Share Market
Monthly Income in Rupees 70000
Mobile Number 8667408216
Alternate Mobile Number 9321895730
PIN TM16M0001293
Family & Other Details
Hi, hope whoever reading this is doing absolutely amazing in your lives. So,here's a little bit about me. And I have 3 sisters all r married I have completed my B.Com, and Im currently running a business which I absolutely love, and I'm currently living in Coimbatore.I love traveling and exploring new places. I am searching for a partner who can be my best friend with whom I can share the rest of my life and fulfill our dreams together, with lots of love and loads of laughter. Family comes the top priority as in my life. I like to value others opinions and their choices. With a balance of good moral value and piety, theres always a good life ahead. I hope someone who validates family just as me comes my way. Thank you for taking your time to read :)