16 Veedu Manamagan - Sivakumar, Thiruneelakandan

                Detailed profile of Sivakumar, Thiruneelakandan

Sivakumar, Thiruneelakandan
Age 44
Education M Com
District/City/Country Kerala
Rasi Rishabam
Star Mrigasheersham
Thali Kombu Thali
Kulam Mummudiar
Company, Work Location United Arab Emirates
Monthly Income in Rupees 75000
Mobile Number 9129634575
Alternate Mobile Number 7012702348
PIN TD16M0000127
Family & Other Details
My father business man, mother housewife, i am an accountant by profession doing an educational consultancy in kerala
Partner Preferences
Divorced or widow or unmarried between the age from 36 to 39