16 Veedu Manamagan - Venkatesan, Vediyappan

                Detailed profile of Venkatesan, Vediyappan

Venkatesan, Vediyappan
Age 28
Education MSc
District/City/Country Dharmapuri
Rasi Thulam
Star Swaathi
Thali Kombu Thali
Kulam Vammaiyor
Company, Work Location Business
Monthly Income in Rupees 50000
Mobile Number 9489556824
Alternate Mobile Number 9344080734
PIN TD16M0000123
Family & Other Details
My father is a business man and my mother is home maker 2 younger brother also doing business work, I am also business man and Teacher (M.Sc., B.Ed)
Partner Preferences
Good family and educated girl.